...a Rothco sign is a sign of success!
Rothco Signs & Design, Inc.
David T. Roth, owner
​Office: 941-423-5966 Cell: 941-706-6160​​​
email: Dave@RothcoSigns.com​

In addition to fixed, on-building signs, Rothco Signs & Design designs, fabricates, and installs three types of signs: monument, pylon, and LED message centers.

One of the suggestions that Dave Roth, Rothco's owner, has for decision-makers who are contemplating building a new sign, refurbishing an existing one, or who are in the planning stages for a new building is simply to bring Rothco into the process as early as possible. "That's the best advice I can give someone," says Dave, "especially with new construction. Make us a part of your team, with your architect and building contractor, so that your sign is up and running and working for you from the minute you open your doors. Your sign is an important investment that will give immediate returns to your business and your brand."

In addition to our signs, we have also added a line of heavy-duty floor mats, which complement your sign design, reinforce your brand, and are perfect for high-traffic areas.
Above: monument sign; middle: pylon sign; to the right: LED message center.