Optec Display
Charlotte State Bank
North Port, Florida
Full color 16MM 80 x 160 Matrix
Optec Display 10mm 96 x 288
Doctor's Hospital Sarasota FL
installed 12/11/4
Optec Display 16mm 60 x 160
Fence Outlet,
North Port, FL installed 11/25/15
Optec Display 8mm 160 x 360 Doctor's Hospital Sarasota FL installed 120215
Optec Display
20MM 96 x 240 Matrix
Lakeland, FL Installed 05/29/15
Optec Display
16mm RED 24 x 112
Trinity Lutheran Church Bradenton, FL
Installed 09/05/14
Optec Display
20MM 56 x 112 Matrix
Bradenton, Florida Installed 03/27/15
Optec Display
22mm RED 48 x 208
Port Charlotte FL
installed 12/11/4
Optec Display
16MM 80 x 180 Matrix
Port Charlotte, FL
Installed 01/31/16
Modern LED message centers come with unlimited messaging and graphics capabilities. They are eye-catching, effective, and easy to program.
Optec Display
Southern Self Storage
North Port, Florida
Full color 16MM 80 x 160 Matrix
Optec Display
Englewood Community Hospital
Englewood, Florida
Full color 16MM 80 x 160 Matrix